A Changed Heart Simply Wants to Serve - No Strings Attached


This month’s devotions are provided by WELS Congregational Services.

“If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said,
“come and stay at my house.”

Acts 16:15

Have you ever received “too good to be true” offers like free cruise tickets or the chance to win a vacation in Hawaii? There are plenty of offers of foolproof ways to get rich. What may seem like kind and generous offers are really scams to get your information, sell you stuff, or get your money. Get burned a few times and you learn.

Things are different for the baptized believer. A heart changed by the love of Christ and his forgiveness simply wants to serve—no strings attached.

Maybe you’ve experienced someone’s surprise when you stopped to help them. Remember times in your life when you were shocked by a gift or that someone knew what you needed before you did and provided it? The more you realize what it means to be truly forgiven by God’s grace, the more joy fills your heart, causing the desire to serve others.

True generosity and joy in service does not come from recognition or rewards. It comes only from a changed heart that knows it is loved, forgiven, and freed by Jesus. It’s not a blind or uncalculated love but love that looks and acts to help.

Lydia saw the needs of those who had shared the good news of Jesus with her. She knew what she could do. Paul was reluctant to accept help and made a point to protect others from the idea that he peddled the gospel for a plate of food. But Lydia’s heart had been so changed and so understood God’s gift to her, she was excited to give a gift of service and support to Paul and Silas. “And she persuaded us,” Paul commented.

You have a “no strings attached” Savior. Go give “no strings attached” service to others. Go persuade some others to let you serve them for Jesus’ sake.

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To Be Great in the Kingdom of God is To Serve as a Slave "Just Like Jesus"